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Benefits of Implementing a Management System

Writer's picture: Andrew ThornhillAndrew Thornhill

In this video, we're going to talk about some of the benefits of implementing a management system. These benefits come out of our experience where they're not necessarily things that are immediately obvious by putting in a management system.

Feel free to watch the video above, or continue reading to be educated on the top benefits

of a management system.

1. Consistency around the critical process:

Here at IRM Systems, we have worked with organisations where there's inconsistencies across sites in the way they report accidents and incidents.

If you have a serious harm injury, those kind of inconsistencies in your process can be used against you. That's the reality of a legal situation to demonstrate that you're not maintaining safe systems at work.

2. Brings Risk Based Thinking into your organisation

This is something that's really emphasized in the standards release since 2015, with the standard requiring you to do this.

If you're a midsize organisation that might be quite new, you overtly need to think about risks, opportunities and actions that will be put in place to mitigate those risks and take advantage of those opportunities. That can be beneficial to business, overall making you more risk focus.

3. Systematic Approach

Introducing a management system forces you to take a systematic approach to your compliance and our customer requirements. Meeting those requirements in a sustainable way is obviously fundamental to good business.

The standards say, you've got to

  1. Clearly identify and understand customer requirements

  2. Take a planned approach

  3. Manage how you try and make those requirements

  4. Evaluate yourself under the performance evaluation requirements

  5. Use that data to look at opportunities to improve

To extend that, you must formally introduce monitoring, measuring, testing, and auditing processes into your business and culture.

And the standard requires you to, as a business, look at the results of that monitoring and measuring, analyse and evaluate it and look at areas to improve.

If that’s bringing that into your culture over a couple of years for the first time well that's a really big benefit as well.

4. Understand Organisational Knowledge

Management systems are really beneficial as they can help you understand organisational knowledge that is needed to sustain your operational and business processes.

As an example, we were recently working with a customer who had multiple site. The Quality Manager left and with that went all the knowledge around the quality management processes and testing processes required.

By formally building that into a management system or framework, will help sustain that knowledge. People are probably aware, particularly under the quality standard, that there is a requirement in there about organisational knowledge.

A second example that we see a lot, is a small construction company. How do they operate? How do they plan and deliver projects and jobs?

While a lot of that knowledge is in the owner’s heads as that business grows, they find it hard to sustain that consistency across projects. Again, that's where a management system can help you capture some of that organisational knowledge, build it into what you do.


It is important that you start educating top management about some of the benefits now that you understand them.

Talk to the management team about the benefits and try get some of this reflected in your expectations as to why as a business, you're going to proceed with implementing a management system.


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